Listing 13 1 CountdownLED Display

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Listing 13_1 LED Countup Counter


This example uses an 8-digit display which has 7-Segment characters. A MAX7219 display chip is used to accept serial data and transform that to light the correct 7-segment display segments.

NOTE: This example uses a contributed library called LEDCONTROL. Git it from GitHub HERE. Download the ZIP file on the far right. To install libraries in your Arduino IDE, see THIS.


Back side, connections to display

/* Listing 13-1. Countdown LED Display.

  Program is a quick-count stopwatch. The code starts with zero and
  counts up from there. No protection rollover. Base code by Blair Thompson.
  Modified by Dr. Purdum, 12/26/2014
#include <LedControl.h>    // From Arduino LedControl library

int DIN    = 10;
int LOADCS = 11;
int CLK    = 13;

int ledBrightness = 5;    // range is 0-15.  0=lowest, 15 = full power

// DIN, CLK, Load/CS, 8 digits
LedControl myLEDs = LedControl(DIN, CLK, LOADCS, 8);
int hundredths0, hundredths1;
int seconds0, seconds1;
int minutes0, minutes1;
int hours0, hours1;

void setup()
  pinMode(DIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LOADCS, OUTPUT);

  myLEDs.shutdown(0, false);               // Wake 'em up

  myLEDs.setIntensity(0, ledBrightness  ); //set the brightness

void loop()
  BumpFrame();  // Bump the necessary display digits

  This function increments the hundredths of a second counter and
  rolls to the next digit as needed.
  Parameter List:
  Return value:
void  BumpFrame()
  delay(10);    // Count to 99 from 0 every second

  myLEDs.setDigit(0, 0, hundredths0++, false);  // Update last digit
  if (hundredths0 == 10) {
    hundredths0 = 0;
  if (hundredths1 < 9) {                        // Time to roll over?
    myLEDs.setDigit(0, 1, hundredths1, false);  // Nope
  } else {
    hundredths1 = 0;
    myLEDs.setDigit(0, 1, hundredths1, false);  // Yep

  This function increments the seconds counter and
  rolls to the next digit as needed.
  Parameter List:
  Return value:
void  BumpSeconds()
  seconds0++;          // Bump the seconds count
  if (seconds0 == 10) {
    seconds0 = 0;
  myLEDs.setDigit(0, 2, seconds0, true);     // update units 

  if (seconds1 < 6) {
    myLEDs.setDigit(0, 3, seconds1, false);  // Update tens
  } else {
    seconds1 = 0;
    seconds0 = 0;
    myLEDs.setDigit(0, 3, seconds1, false);  // Reset and update minutes

  This function increments the minutes counter and
  rolls to the next digit as needed.
  Parameter List:
  Return value:
void  BumpMinutes()
  minutes0++;            // Works the same as seconds, only for minutes:
  if (minutes0 == 10) {
    minutes0 = 0;
  myLEDs.setDigit(0, 4, minutes0, true);

  if (minutes1 < 6) {
    myLEDs.setDigit(0, 5, minutes1, false);
  } else {
    minutes1 = 0;
    minutes0 = 0;
    myLEDs.setDigit(0, 5, minutes1, false);  // Need to update hours

  This function increments the hours counter and
  rolls to the next digit as needed.
  Parameter List:
  Return value:
void  BumpHours()
  hours0++;            // Works same as minutes...
  if (hours0 == 10) {
    hours0 = 0;
  myLEDs.setDigit(0, 6, hours0, true);

  if (hours1 < 6) {
    myLEDs.setDigit(0, 7, hours1, false); // Nothing left to bump, so reset
  } else {
    hours1 = 0;
    hours0 = 0;

  This function resets the digits to zero
  Parameter List:
  Return value:
void Reset()
  myLEDs.setDigit(0, 0, 0, false);
  for (int i = 1; i < myLEDs.getDeviceCount(); i++) {
    myLEDs.setDigit(0, i, 0, (i % 2 == 0) ? true : false);