Listing 8 1 SimplePointer

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  Purpose: Simple program to demonstrate using a pointer
 Dr. Purdum, Nov 22, 2014
 Result: UNO
The lvalue for ptrNumber is: 2288 and the rvalue is 26880
The lvalue for number is: 2286 and has an rvalue of 10

Result: Mega
The lvalue for ptrNumber is: 8686 and the rvalue is -22528
The lvalue for number is: 8684 and has an rvalue of 10

#include <stdio.h>
int counter = 0;

void setup() {
  int number = 5;
  int *ptrNumber;


  Serial.print("The lvalue for ptrNumber is: ");
  Serial.print((long) &ptrNumber, DEC);
  Serial.print(" and the rvalue is ");
  Serial.println((long) ptrNumber, DEC);

  //=== Put new statements here!
  ptrNumber = &number;
  *ptrNumber = 10;

  Serial.print("The lvalue for number is: ");
  Serial.print((long) &number, DEC);
  Serial.print(" and has an rvalue of ");
  Serial.println((int) number, DEC);
void loop() {