Listing 9 1 PointerMath1

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/* Listing 9-1. Using pointers.
 - Variant 3
 Purpose: Illustrate pointer arithmetic
 Dr. Purdum, Nov. 24, 2014
#include <string.h>
void setup() {

  char buffer[50];
  char *ptr;
  int i;
  int length;

  strcpy(buffer, "When in the course of human events");

  ptr = buffer;
  length = strlen(buffer);          // How many chars in quote?
  Serial.print("The lvalue for ptr is: ");
  Serial.print((unsigned int)&ptr);
  Serial.print(" and the rvalue is ");
  Serial.println((unsigned int)ptr);
  while (*ptr)
  // Added variants 2 and 3 

  ptr = buffer;     // Reset the pointer back to buffer[0]...
  Serial.println("");   // So the output prints on a new li
  for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
    Serial.print(*(ptr + i));

}//END Setup

void loop() {