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This is a set of project ideas for the year 2019. Some of these ideas could be improved on and commercialized to solve major problems in developing countries. We need to discuss and agree on priority and move some of these around..


T + ☆ → means priority K + ☆ → means other priority → means completed

→ means completed project but no wiki → means not yet started or not completed → means currently working on it

PROJECT Priorities. "W:" Means a Wiki section

  1. W: License Plate Recognition
    1. DONE
  2. W: Overall RPI Introduction and How-to; Aimed at enough understanding for user to do following RPI projects, details?? Raspbian fundamentals - more
  3. W: Raspberry Pi Email notifications
  4. W: Arduino-Raspberry Pi Serial Communication
  5. Terry + Kufy: Learn basic ESP32 capabilities, programming, WiFi communications etc.
  6. W: ESP32 Info, How-To, example code, example projects.
  7. W: Home Automation example (Stepwise refinement) ESP32 <-WiFI-> RPI <-WiFi-> Local LAN (Tunnel to Web) SmartPhone Browser?App?
  8. W: Home/small office intercom system
  9. W: Voice control of home appliances using Google Voice SDK
  10. W: Raspberry Pi Text-to-Speech (TTS)
  11. W: ? Raspberry Pi Zero and PWM Audio
  12. W: ? Raspberry Pi Zero with USB Ethernet
  13. ? Arduino-Raspberry Pi Shared Memory for applications
  14. W: Raspberry Pi with 3G Dongle
  15. W: Raspberry Pi with GPS
  16. W: Arduino-GSM control
  17. W: Arduino-Raspberry Pi Communication using nRF24l01
  18. Arduino Automated Socket
  19. Raspberry Pi Drone
  20. Underwater ROV
  21. Face Recognition for Door Access Control

Study Priorities:


  1. Complete some courses
    1. ESP32 Course
    2. 3D CAD
    3. 3D Printing
    4. Python and Tkinter
    5. IoT with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
    6. Robotics (Aerial Robotics and ROVs)
  2. Take additional courses:
    1. RPI Interfacing
    2. #W: Raspberry Pi Human Interface development (using Tkinter)
    3. Machine Learning for Robotics
  3. Detailed Python programming for RaspberryPi
  4. Raspberry Pi Web (tutorial)
  5. Video Editing for YouTube Channel using Wondershare Filmora

Projects In Process

Kufy+Terry updating...

  1. Android App for Home Automation using MIT App Inventor
  2. Video Streaming using Raspberry Pi
  3. Aduino-Raspberry Pi Serial Communication
  4. ?Arduino-Raspberry Pi Communication using nRF24l01
  5. Water and fuel level sensor with Automatic pump switch
  6. Drone for Aerial Surveillance
  7. Voice control of home appliances using Google Voice SDK
  8. Home/small office intercom system
  9. Underwater ROV
  10. License Plate Recognition
  11. Online GPS data logger
  12. Power Sockets with timed key passes (i.e. the socket goes off after a set time based on the password entered)
  13. School Alarm System with Voice Prompts (Voice Alarm)
  14. Text message update of an object's location on demand
  15. Arduino PID Tuning

To be Done Later

Kufy: add some priorities to this? What should go up into current projects? T+= Terry thinks it is a priority. Discuss this.

Kufy: added

  1. K+ ☆ Video Streaming to Web using 3G or 4G
  2. Using MotionEye OS and RPI Zero W
  3. Human Interface: Touch LCD and Voice Control
  4. K+ ☆ Entrance/Exit Counter to know the number of people in a building for power control
  5. T+ ☆ Network Interface: WiFi to local net, tunnel to Web
  6. T+ ☆ Scheduling; easy to set up future and repeating actions
  7. K+ ☆ Sensor I/O: Laser alarm system, methane and carbon-mono-oxide alarm systems
  8. K+ ☆ Power Sockets with timed key passes (i.e. the socket goes off after a set time based on the password entered)
  9. 3-axis Gimbals for Camera Stabilization
  10. Raspberry Pi media center
  11. A spotlight that tracks the head of the person on stage
  12. Object Follower
  13. Speed limit tracker
  14. K+ ☆ Smart Shopping Cart that follows the buyer anywhere he goes/smart bag follower
  15. Face Recognition for Door Access Control
  16. Motion Detection and Object Tracking
  17. K + ☆ Using Mjpg-streamer with email alert when there is motion around the environment
  18. Finger print identification system for access control and attendance keeping
  19. RFID Card system for access control and attendance keeping
  20. Controls I/O: Robotic Arm with joystick control, self-balancing robot
  21. Camera based control of a robotic arm using hand gestures
  22. Raspberry Pi news update server for small neighborhoods: you log in there and get updated about news reports particular to just that area, like security updates, traffic updates, celebrations going on in the neighborhood, etc (USA has a system called "Front Porch")
  23. Intelligent Robotic Arm for Picking litters in a dirty environment (some machine learning required here)
  24. K + ☆ Raspberry Pi and Stereo Vision for accurate distance estimation
  25. Currency Recognition


T + ☆ → means priority

K + ☆ → means other priority

→ means completed

→ means completed project but no wiki

→ means not yet started or not completed

→ means currently working on it