Sensor Overview

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5-Senses.jpgThere are things, which we, as humans cannot see, hear, smell, or taste…

There are things which humans cannot hear, see, smell, or taste…. There is a whole universe out there, which we, cannot perceive using our own limited senses. This intriguing fact has spurred the invention of some of the most innovative sensors and devices, which allow us to “see” infrared, ultraviolet and other light waves beyond “visible” light, “hear” ultrasound, and radio waves, sensing objects that before, were unseen to us using Ultrasonic Sensors, Radar and other sensors. Using these devices and sensors, we can think about new ideas that go beyond our current knowledge and create new inventions!


What is a Sensor? From Teach Engineering

List of Sensors: Wikipedia


Sight: A pixel will be worth a thousand words

Recognition systems can pinpoint a face in a crowd. In the future, computer vision might save a life by analyzing patterns to make sense of visuals in the context of big data. In industries as varied as healthcare, retail and agriculture, a system could gather information and detect anomalies specific to the task—such as spotting a tiny area of diseased tissue in an MRI and applying it to the patient's medical history for faster, more accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Robyn Schwartz, Associate Director, IBM Research, Retail Analytics

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Hearing: Computers will hear what matters

Before the tree fell in the forest, did anyone hear it? Sensors that pick up sound patterns and frequency changes will be able to predict weakness in a bridge before it buckles, the deeper meaning of your baby's cry or, yes, a tree breaking down internally before it falls. By analyzing verbal traits and including multi-sensory information, machine hearing and speech recognition could even be sensitive enough to advance dialogue across languages and cultures.
John Smith, Senior Manager, Intelligent Information Management

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Taste: Digital taste buds will help you eat smarter

The challenge of providing food—whether it's for impoverished populations, people on restricted diets or picky kids—is in finding a way to meet both nutritional needs and personal preferences. In the works: a way to compute "perfect" meals using an algorithmic recipe of favorite flavors and optimal nutrition. No more need for substitute foods when you can have a personalized menu that satisfies both the calorie count and the palate.
Dimitri Kanevsky, IBM Research Scientist

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Smell: Computers will have a sense of smell

When you call a friend to say how you're doing, your phone will know on the full story. Soon, sensors will detect and distinguish odors: a chemical, a biomarker, even molecules in the breath that affect personal health. The same smell technology, combined with deep learning systems, could troubleshoot operating-room hygiene, crops' soil conditions or a city's sanitation system before the human nose knows there's a p
Lav Varshney, IBM Research Scientist





Read more: http://www.dail

Educational Resources on the 5 Senses

Discover Education Lesson Plan/Activity

Education World Websites

Ways to Heighten Your Senses