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Arduino Digital Inputs: What's A ONE Anyway??

This is a look at the Electrical Reality of Arduino Digital Inputs. (Under Construction 11/1/14)
The Software Sketch is below.
An example of the sketch output is
[/file/view/ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt/529092518/ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt]
[/file/view/ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt/529092518/ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt]
  • [/file/detail/ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt Details]
  • [/file/view/ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt/529092518/ArduinoInputPinBehavior.txt Download]
  • 12 KB



Software Sketch: Cut and Paste into Arduino IDE

/* YourDuinoStarter Examples: 

   ? What's A ONE Anyway ?  
 - Reads input as Digital and Analog, displays output on Serial Monitor as:

   - Analog Input as Integer
   - Analog Input as Floating Point
   - Digital Input (Boolean) 
   - Pin 13 LED (following Digital Boolean value)   
 - FIRST Try: Input pin to floating wire
 - SECOND Try: ADD 10K Potentiometer as Voltage Divider:
   - +5 to Ground. 
   - Wiper to both Digital Input Pin and to Analog input
 - THIRD Try: ADD 10K Resistor and 1000uF capacitor from Pot
              to inputs for slow changes.
 - V1.02 11/01/15
 - SEE the comments after "//" on each line below 
 Questions: terry@yourduino.com */

/*-----( Declare Constants and Pin Numbers )-----*/
#define INPUT_PIN   3    // Pins to connect to
#define ANALOG_PIN  A0

#define PIN_13_LED  13   // The onboard LED

/*-----( Declare Variables )-----*/
int    digitalValue;      // Holds 1 or 0 read as digital input
int    analogIntValue;    // Holds the integer 10 bit value read in
float  analogVoltsValue;  // Int Value converted to 0..5V Floating Point

void setup()   /****** SETUP: RUNS ONCE ******/
  pinMode (PIN_13_LED,OUTPUT) ;     // PIN 13 is an OUTPUT    
  pinMode (INPUT_PIN, INPUT) ;      // PIN 2 is an INPUT (Not really needed)

  Serial.begin(9600);   //Start sending to "Serial Monitor"
  Serial.println();    // Make a new line  
  Serial.println("YourDuino Starter: Show Input Pin Behavior.");
}//--(end setup )---

void loop()   /****** LOOP: RUNS CONSTANTLY ******/
  Serial.println(); // Make a new line
/*---( Read and display the 10 bit integer value )------*/
  analogIntValue = analogRead(ANALOG_PIN); //Read value
  Serial.print("Analog:10 Bit Integer(0..1023) = ");
  Serial.print(analogIntValue,DEC);       // Print value 

/*---( Convert and display the  0.0 to 5.0V value )------*/
  analogVoltsValue = analogIntValue * (5.0 / 1024.0);
  Serial.print("   Analog:0.0 to 5.0V = ");
  Serial.print(analogVoltsValue, 2); // Print value   

/*---( Read and display the Digital (Boolean) value )------*/
  Serial.print("   Boolean Value = ");
  digitalValue = digitalRead(INPUT_PIN);
  Serial.print(digitalValue, 1); // Print value   
  if  (digitalValue == HIGH)
    digitalWrite(PIN_13_LED, HIGH) ;              // LED ON
    digitalWrite(PIN_13_LED, LOW) ;               // LED OFF

  delay(500);  // Switch may be "bouncing". Wait just a bit

}//--(end main loop )---