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Windows Users Python Install

To install Python 3.x, go to the Python home page, and download the latest Python 3 distribution for your operating system.

The download page is HERE.

The current (11/24) version for Windows is here:

Save and then click on the installation file.

During the installation process (See Below) , there is a checkbox to add Python 3.x to your path, make sure it is checked before proceeding with the installation.


Test Command Line

You will use the Windows Command Line to check some things and also to install some needed programs... It's a prompt where you type in commands. To create a shortcut on your desktop to get to Command Line do this:

Right-click on your desktop, select New > Shortcut, type "cmd.exe", and click Next. Name your CommandLine and finish. Click on that and you should have another window pop up. It has a command prompt for windows. It looks like this:


Type in: python -V (UPPERCASE!) and you should see: Python 3.13.0 (or your version) That means python is installed and running. Like this: WindowsCommandLinePY.png

You will use the command line to get new modules you need and install them. Type "exit" or click the upper right X to get out.

Test Python Install

Now: Click START button (lower left). Scroll down to P and click on "Python 3.13.0" or similar. It should open a LIST of things you can use like this: Python-START.jpg

Python System Installed Parts

These are links to parts of the python system.

  • IDLE: Python IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is an integrated development environment that comes bundled with the standard Python distribution. It is a simple, beginner-friendly IDE with Editor designed for writing, running, and debugging Python code. You'll use it!
    • There is a prompt ">>>" where you can enter python commands and try out things. Try 2+2
  • Python 13.3 (or later) Starts the main python system.
    • There is a prompt ">>>" where you can enter python commands.
  • Python 13.3 Manuals -- When you installed python it also installed the Python 3.13.0 documentation. Click. Read. (Later..)
  • Python 13/3 Module Docs -- There are many useful Modules other people wrote that are available to you. Here's how to use them if you need them.
