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  1. Learn MIT AppInventor: This is necessary to enable us create out own custom apps
  2. Learn Thunkable
  3. Learn a little of json for Raspberry Pi: This is to enable us have better control over the json files that the OpenALPR software outputs for the license plate recognition system.I just need to refresh my mind on this
  4. Learn how to build Python Based GUI for out raspberry pi Apps
  5. Learn 3D Design
  6. Learn schematic/PCB Design
  7. Learn 3D printing
  8. Learn Bash Scripting for better use of the RPI
  9. Learn Kotlin (to develop Android Apps)
  10. Learn Swift (to develop iOS Apps)
  11. Take a course on Machine learning to build our own custom Neural Networks which we can make free for people to download and use to try out the projects
  12. Brush up my skills in video editing so that I can create some short video previews to demonstrate the projects