Arduino Day 2019 Agenda by Yourduino
Port Harcourt Arduino Day 2019
Arduino Day is a worldwide birthday celebration of Arduino. It's a 24-hour-long event organized by the Community and Arduino’s founders, where people interested in Arduino come together, share their projects and experiences, as well as learn more about the open-source platform.
Schedule for the Day
- 8.30 AM = Open Day and Exhibition of Arduino Project, in collaboration with Yourduino
- 09.30 - 12.30 PM = Arduino edu-activities for everyone. Basic concepts of Robotics and Arduino Programming would be taught
- 12:30 PM = Light refreshment
- 12:45 PM = Game time: Kahoot Game on Robotics
- 1:00 PM = Arduino DIY (Do It Yourself) competition based on what was taught
- 1.45 - 2.00 PM = Arduino keynotes by the invited tech experts and presentation of gift to the winner of the day.
- 2.00 - 2.30 PM = Ask Me Anything with Kufirre Ebong and Kuro Jeremiah!.
IMPORTANT: Seating will be on a first come, first served basis. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee ticket holders will have a seat in the conference venue.
- Free T-shirts for the first 3 people to arrive
- Free souvenirs for the first 10 people to arrive
- Light Refreshment
- Robotic kit gift for the winner of the day
- This event would be streamed live on facebook.
Photos and GRAPHICS you might use...
[[image: |500px]]
[[image: |500px]]
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Other Documents you may want to use
media:YourDuinocom Brochure 2017.pdf Take a look, Can be edited for you...
media:WhatIsArduinoPosters.docx Maybe useful..
media: THis is a series of slides from a presentation. Some of them show old Robo1, some may be helpful?? 8M File!
- KS0276 Temperature Sensor (2 quantity)
- ks0002 keyestudio Mega 2560 R3 Development Board (4)
- Ks0006 MEGA Sensor Shield V1 (4)
- ks0353 keyestudio KEYBOT Coding Education Robot for Arduino STEM (1)
- Ks0084 keyestudio New sensor kit with 2560 R3 (2)
- Ks0009 keyestudio Photo Interrupter Module (4)
THESE are in stock for Amazon Prime shipment. How long did that take last time? Might get hot for customs I guess..
How long did it take for the package I sent to you with the power supplies?
Contactless temperature sensor