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=Hudson Robot with Interrupt MIGHT work
Hudson, I have not had time to try this...
#include <YD_MotorDriver1.h> // For control of the two DC Motors #include <NewPing.h> // Runs the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor /*-----( Declare Constants and Pin Numbers )-----*/ // NOTE: Pins 9 (Motor1) and 10 (Motor2) are predefined, unchangeable #define Motor1A 8 #define Motor1B 7 #define Motor2C 6 #define Motor2D 5 #define RampDelay 10 #define StartMoveSpeed 200 // Motor Driver value for start of motion #define SlowMoveSpeed 280 #define SlowMoveAdjust 0 // Adjust for straight move: - Left + Right?? #define MediumMoveSpeed 300 #define MediumMoveAdjust 0 // Adjust for straight move: - Left + Right #define FastMoveSpeed 350 #define FastMoveAdjust 0 // Adjust for straight move: - Left + Right // Ultrasonic Sensor Pins #define TRIGGER_PIN 2 // Arduino pin tied to trigger pin on the ultrasonic sensor. #define SWITCH_INTERRUPT_PIN 3 #define ECHO_PIN 4 // Arduino pin tied to echo pin on the ultrasonic sensor. #define MAX_DISTANCE 100 // Maximum distance we want to ping for (in centimeters). Maximum sensor distance is rated at 400-500cm. // Servo #define SERVO_PIN 11 // The "Look Around" servo #define PIN13_LED 13 // The onboard LED: Lights when an object is sensed by the Ultrasonic // Add a Beeper on pin 13 if you want //----( "TARGET FOUND" DIRECTIONS (index into TargetArray )--------- #define TARGET_FOUND_ANY 0 // Values will be "true" or "false" #define TARGET_LEFT 1 #define TARGET_LEFT_CENTER 2 #define TARGET_CENTER 3 #define TARGET_RIGHT_CENTER 4 #define TARGET_RIGHT 5 #define TARGET_ARRAY_SIZE 6 #define TARGET_TOO_CLOSE 25 // cm /*-----( Declare objects )-----*/ YD_MotorDriver1 RobotDriver(Motor1A, Motor1B, Motor2C, Motor2D); // Set pins NewPing sonar(TRIGGER_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); // Set pins and maximum distance. /*-----( Declare Variables )-----*/ unsigned int uS; // Result of a ping: MicroSeconds unsigned int cm; // Distance calculated for ping (0 = outside set distance range) unsigned int cm_now; // For test int TargetArray[TARGET_ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds the directions a Target was found in int DirectionsToLook = 3; // For LookAround() int ServoDirectionData[3] = { 2500, 1600, 600}; /*-----( Define the 'States' the robot can be in )-----*/ volatile byte RobotState; // Make this changeable by the Interrupt Service Routine #define START_STATE 1 #define STOP_LOOK_STATE 2 #define TARGET_CENTER_STATE 3 #define TARGET_LEFT_STATE 4 #define TARGET_RIGHT_STATE 5 void setup () { Serial.begin(115200); delay(1000); Serial.println("YourDuino Robot Kit Test"); //--NOTE: Ultrasonic Sensor and Motor Pins set to OUTPUT by their libraries pinMode(SWITCH_INTERRUPT_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(SERVO_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN13_LED, OUTPUT); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(SWITCH_INTERRUPT_PIN), Crash, FALLING); // HUDSON RobotDriver.init(); RobotState = START_STATE; } void loop() { /*-----( Control the Robot by changing the "State" it is in. )-----*/ switch (RobotState) { case START_STATE: // Start here, return here if no obstacles Serial.println("+++ RoboStartState"); digitalWrite(PIN13_LED, LOW); // LED Means Target Too Close. Turn it off for now. ForwardFast(); // Get a good start moving forward delay(1000); ForwardFast(); // Continue moving forward delay(1250); RobotState = STOP_LOOK_STATE ; // Now change to state to look for obstacles break; case STOP_LOOK_STATE: // Look around for obstacles; take different actions if found Serial.println("+++ RoboStopLookState"); Stop(); // Stop moving forward for (int i = 0; i < TARGET_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) TargetArray[i] = false; LookAround(); // Ping Ultrasonic in different directions, Set TargetArray if (TargetArray[TARGET_CENTER ] == true) RobotState = TARGET_CENTER_STATE; else if (TargetArray[TARGET_LEFT ] == true) RobotState = TARGET_LEFT_STATE; else if (TargetArray[TARGET_RIGHT ] == true) RobotState = TARGET_RIGHT_STATE; else RobotState = START_STATE; break; case TARGET_CENTER_STATE: // Obstacle straight ahead; back up then turn around Serial.println("***** RoboTargetCenter"); Stop(); BackwardSlow(500); SpinLeft(1100); // try for 180 degrees turn delay(500); RobotState = START_STATE; break; case TARGET_LEFT_STATE: // Obstacle on left; back up then turn right Serial.println("***** RoboTargetLeft"); Stop(); BackwardSlow(500); SpinRight(500); delay(500); RobotState = START_STATE; break; case TARGET_RIGHT_STATE: // Obstacle on right; back up then turn left Serial.println("***** RoboTargetRight"); Stop(); delay(500); BackwardSlow(500); SpinLeft(500); delay(500); RobotState = START_STATE; break; } // end of switch } // end of loop /*----------------( Declare User-written Functions )---------------*/ void Crash() // Interrupt Service Routine for MicroSwitch crash sensor { RobotState = TARGET_CENTER_STATE; // Make the robot stop immediately and turn around.. } //------( MOTOR CONTROL FUNCTIONS )---------------- void ForwardSlow() { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed(SlowMoveSpeed + SlowMoveAdjust); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed(SlowMoveSpeed - SlowMoveAdjust); } /*---------------------------*/ void ForwardMedium() { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed(MediumMoveSpeed + MediumMoveAdjust); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed(MediumMoveSpeed - MediumMoveAdjust); } /*---------------------------*/ void ForwardFast() { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed(FastMoveSpeed + FastMoveAdjust); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed(FastMoveSpeed - FastMoveAdjust); } /*---------------------------*/ void BackwardSlow(int HowMuch) { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed(- SlowMoveSpeed ); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed(- SlowMoveSpeed ); delay(HowMuch); Stop(); } /*---------------------------*/ void BackwardMedium(int HowMuch) { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed(- MediumMoveSpeed); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed(- MediumMoveSpeed); delay(HowMuch); Stop(); } /*---------------------------*/ void BackwardFast(int HowMuch) { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed(- FastMoveSpeed); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed(- FastMoveSpeed); delay(HowMuch); Stop(); } /*---------------------------*/ void Stop() { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed(0); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed(0); } /*---------------------------*/ void SpinLeft(int HowMuch) { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed( MediumMoveSpeed); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed(- MediumMoveSpeed); delay(HowMuch); Stop(); } /*---------------------------*/ void SpinRight(int HowMuch) { RobotDriver.Motor1Speed(- MediumMoveSpeed); RobotDriver.Motor2Speed( MediumMoveSpeed); delay(HowMuch); Stop(); } /*---------------------------*/ unsigned int PingBlink() { uS =; // Send ping, get ping time in microseconds (uS). cm = uS / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM; // Convert ping time to distance in cm Serial.print(" cm = "); Serial.print(cm, DEC); if ((cm < 40) && (cm != 0)) { return (cm); } else { return (100); // No Valid Distance } }// end PingBlink /*---------------------------*/ void PointServo(int ServoAngle) { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) // Send the pulse 10 times { digitalWrite(SERVO_PIN, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(ServoAngle); digitalWrite(SERVO_PIN, LOW); delay(20); } }// PointServo end /*---------------------------*/ void LookAround() // Sets next state if Target Found { for (int Direction = 0; Direction < DirectionsToLook ; Direction ++) { Serial.print("DIRECTION = "); Serial.print(Direction, DEC); PointServo(ServoDirectionData[Direction]); // Get servo pulse width from array delay(200); cm_now = PingBlink(); // Read the Ultrasonic distance Serial.print(" cm_now = "); Serial.println(cm_now, DEC); if (cm_now < TARGET_TOO_CLOSE) digitalWrite(PIN13_LED, HIGH); if (cm_now < 40) { TargetArray[TARGET_FOUND_ANY ] = true; } else TargetArray[TARGET_FOUND_ANY ] = false; if ((cm_now < TARGET_TOO_CLOSE) && (Direction == 2)) //LEFT { TargetArray[TARGET_LEFT ] = true; Serial.println("TargetLeft"); } if ((cm_now < TARGET_TOO_CLOSE) && (Direction == 1)) //Center { TargetArray[TARGET_CENTER ] = true; Serial.println("TargetCenter"); } if ((cm_now < TARGET_TOO_CLOSE) && (Direction == 0)) //RIGHT { TargetArray[TARGET_RIGHT ] = true; Serial.println("TargetRight"); } }// END Directions }// END LookAround /*--- THE END )---*/
/* HUDSON LUSK SKETCH EXAMPLE 12/02/2020 Read microswitch and control LED. */ /*-----( Import needed libraries )-----*/ //None /*-----( Declare Constants and Pin Numbers )-----*/ #define LED_PIN 13 // Or change to what you want #define SWITCH_PIN 2 // NOTE: a convention (Not a requirement) is to have Constants names all uppercase. /*-----( Declare objects )-----*/ //None /*-----( Declare Variables )-----*/ int SwitchValue; void setup() /****** SETUP: RUNS ONCE ******/ { pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT); // Not actually necessary for the red PC Board Microswitch. Why? // Sometimes , if you are connecting a plain switch from Arduino pin to Ground, you can use: // pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // That makes Arduino internally connect a resistor from the pin to +5V. Why? }//--(end setup )--- void loop() /****** LOOP: RUNS CONSTANTLY ******/ { SwitchValue = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ! SwitchValue); // Try removing the "!" (That is a 'not' symbol. Say it as "BANG!" ) }//--(end main loop )--- /*-----( Declare User-written Functions )-----*/ //none //*********( THE END )***********
Copy this and save to start a new sketch
/* HUDSON LUSK SKETCH TEMPLATE Start with this for most more-complex Arduino Sketches Save a version for each project and save this original... */ /*-----( Import needed libraries )-----*/ /*-----( Declare Constants and Pin Numbers )-----*/ /*-----( Declare objects )-----*/ /*-----( Declare Variables )-----*/ void setup() /****** SETUP: RUNS ONCE ******/ { }//--(end setup )--- void loop() /****** LOOP: RUNS CONSTANTLY ******/ { }//--(end main loop )--- /*-----( Declare User-written Functions )-----*/ /None //*********( THE END )***********