Listing 4 4 HeadsTailsExample
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/* Heads or Tails Turns on an LED which represents head or tails. The LED remains on for about 3 seconds and the cycle repeats. Dr. Purdum, Nov 12, 2014 */ #define HEADIOPIN 11 // Which I/O pins are we using? #define TAILIOPIN 10 #define PAUSE 50 // How long to delay? int headsCounter; // Heads/tails counters int tailsCounter; long loopCounter; long randomNumber = 0L; // 'L' tells compiler it's a long data type, // not an int. // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); headsCounter = 0; tailsCounter = 0; loopCounter = 0; pinMode(HEADIOPIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(TAILIOPIN, OUTPUT); randomSeed(analogRead(A0)); // This seeds the random number generator } void loop() { randomNumber = generateRandomNumber(); digitalWrite(HEADIOPIN, LOW); // Turn both LED's off digitalWrite(TAILIOPIN, LOW); delay(PAUSE); // Let them see both are off for a time slice if (randomNumber % 2 == 1) { // Treat odd numbers as a head digitalWrite(HEADIOPIN, HIGH); headsCounter++; } else { digitalWrite(TAILIOPIN, HIGH); // Even numbers are a tail tailsCounter++; } loopCounter++; if (loopCounter % 100 == 0) { // See how things are every 100 flips Serial.print("After "); Serial.print(loopCounter); Serial.print(" coin flips, heads = "); Serial.print(headsCounter); Serial.print(" and tails = "); Serial.println(tailsCounter); } delay(PAUSE); // Pause for 3 seconds } long generateRandomNumber() { return random(0, 1000000); // Random numbers between 0 and one million }