Listing 8 6 PassByValue-2
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/* Listing 8-6. Pass-by-Value */ void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); int number = 10; Serial.print("lvalue for number is "); Serial.print((int) &number); Serial.print(" rvalue for number is "); Serial.println(number); // SquareIt(number); SquareIt(&number); // Variation 2 Serial.print("After call: rvalue for number is "); Serial.println(number); } void loop() {} void SquareIt(int *temp) { Serial.print("In SquareIt(), lvalue for temp is "); Serial.print((int) &temp); Serial.print(" rvalue for temp is "); Serial.println((int) temp); *temp = *temp * *temp; Serial.print("The new rvalue for temp is "); Serial.println(*temp); } /* Version 1 void SquareIt(int temp) { Serial.print("In SquareIt(), lvalue for temp is "); Serial.print((int) &temp); Serial.print(" rvalue for temp is "); Serial.println(temp); temp *= temp; Serial.print("The new rvalue for temp is "); Serial.println(temp); } */