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This page is for Peng and Kufy and Terry to discuss Yourduino products.

We need to work quickly on strategy for future educational kits and products.

Peng will be talking to China suppliers, checking costs and availability., and shipping ordered parts.

Kufy will be prototyping different projects and writing the new Wiki tutorial pages.

Terry has defining the Easy-Plug Kit and is writing the software and How-To. see it HERE

Mary Alice is working on the new Shop software installation and configuration.


Who is the KEYES Contact?

  1. Hardware: Nut Holder
  2. English manual (Updates?)

We will use the kits as part of our school curriculum.

We may do the "Preload Software" so no computer needed to start


  1. Cables with RJ11 offset connector thin gray cable (Peng found them)
  2. female offset rj11 pcb connector like Easy-Plug bricks. (Peng found them)
  3. 18650 manufacturer?? Chargers?
    1. 18650 module (2x18650n 7.4V with USB charger?) (Need example)

We must find out about shipping 18650 batteries


This is a chip that has a processor plus Wifi Interface plus Bluetooth Interface. It can be programmed with the Arduino IDE software.

See our WIKI page HERE

Please ask Keyes what they plan for ESP32 products.


We need a ESP32 "Sensor Shield" Like the Keyes "Nano Sensor Shield" here: Keyes Page

What we need is a very similar shield which is for the ESP32 "Dev Kit" type 38-pin pinout. The total PC Board could be wider if needed.. It is NOT required that an Arduino footprint be around the edges like the Nano Sensor shield.

I would like to discuss with Keyes how the ESP32 pinout would be connected to the 3-pin connectors on the outside edges.

ESP32 is moving quickly and we need to try to get this to market soon.



The ESP32 Pinout on the Devkit type modules is here:

Esp32 DevKit pinmap.png

Other Products to check:



We have developed a kit for younger students based on the Keyes Easy Plug Control Board V2.0 We are planning the kit, writing software, prototyping the kit box, writing the How-To etc. We have samples of many of the Easy Plug modules "bricks" and we have tested them and written software for them.

We have some remaining questions for KEYES about the Easy Plug product line:

  1. The Easy-plug modules all come in anti-static bags. We might make kits with the modules already unpacked. Can we bulk-order modules that would come without the antistatic packaging? Hmmm.
  2. We will publish detailed How-To and lesson plans on https://ArduinoInfo.Info and that is all Open Source. The KEYES Wiki has good information. Do we have permission to use some pieces of information from the Keyes Wiki in our documentation? We will share our code for Easy-Plug with Keyes.
  3. Will more KEYES products be put in MIXLY library?

New EASY PLUG products we would like to see:

We would like to work with KEYES to promote the Easy-Plug products and software.

  1. Super Bright White LED module (Maybe with separate 5V supply) for Strobe Light experiments (Like THIS:)
  2. Switches Modules: small Toggle Switch and/or Slide Switch that stay in position . (We have one on our SPI breakout)
  3. 3-pin male (Ground-Voltage-Signal) Module (Same as Servo module, but no servo [Photo:right]). ?Cost? Part Number?
  4. 3-pin Screw Terminal Module (Ground-Voltage-Signal). With jumper for optional 4.7K pullup resistor for use with cables to waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensors.
  5. Easy Plug Control Board V2.1 with 5V 2A switchmode power supply like the RoboRED. MAYBE with 5.0V / 3.3V jumper like RoboRED?